These professionalization workshops are designed to enhance academic and professional skills, increase chances of success in the job market, and foster a supportive and inclusive community of scholars. The workshops are based on research findings, best practices, and experiences from related fields.
All workshops will take place in South Hall Building, Room 4631A, unless otherwise specified.
(2-4pm, November 3) Job Market Preparation III: Campus Visit--
The fifth workshop will prepare graduate students for the campus visit stage of the job application process. Participants will learn about the expectations and dynamics of the campus visit, including meetings with faculty members, presentations, and interviews. The workshop will provide guidance on effectively showcasing their research, teaching, and professional skills during the campus visit. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their presentation skills, receive feedback, and engage in discussions on navigating the campus visit successfully.
(November-December TBA) Job Market Preparation IV: Practice Job Talks--
The final workshop in the series will focus on preparing graduate students for delivering effective job talks. Participants will learn strategies for structuring and delivering engaging presentations that highlight their research contributions and engage the audience. The workshop will provide guidance on developing clear and concise presentations, incorporating visual aids, and effectively communicating complex ideas. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their job talks, receive feedback, and engage in discussions on improving their presentation skills.