Solidarity Statements

The statements on this page should not be taken as a position of the University, or the campus, as a whole.


Department Solidarity Statement with UAW Local 4811

The Faculty of Feminist Studies stands in solidarity with our graduate student workers who have overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike in reaction to the unfair labor practices committed by the University of California against those who have participated in non-violent protests on campus in defense of the people of Gaza and for UC disinvestment from weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and companies profiting from Israel’s war on Palestine. We call upon the UC to engage in meaningful negotiations with the union over its unfair practice charges, which include the administration’s unilateral changes to working conditions that impeded teaching, work obligations, safety, and academic freedom; failure to protect peaceful protestors against violent attacks and use of the police to interfere with freedom of speech; and discipling employees for peacefully demanding workplace-related changes. We support amnesty for all academic employees, students, student organizations, faculty and staff who face disciplinary action or arrest due to protest and the right to free speech and political expression on campus. We pledge as a department to not retaliate against strikers or take up work assigned to them, known as “struck work.”

May 28, 2024 - 2:02pm





The faculty in the Department of Feminist Studies are unflinching lovers of freedom and proud members of the collectives at UCSB fighting for Palestinian liberation and an end to the genocide in Gaza.  While the University of California has responded to this organizing with numerous attacks on free speech and right to assembly, UCSB students and faculty have demonstrated that the urgency of the unfolding genocide in Palestine and the strength of our movement are greater than these tactics to silence us.  

Long before October 7, 2023, UCSB’s Students for Justice in Palestine has worked tirelessly and at considerable risk to call for divestment, organize the annual Apartheid Wall at UCSB, and build a broad-based student movement for Palestinian liberation. UCSB student leaders have done the long and slow work of building an intersectional resistance movement based in grief, love of liberation, and trust of one another.  The Department of Feminist Studies recognizes, and follows the leadership of, 17 student organizations bravely working together to uplift Palestinian liberation and call for a ceasefire.

The Department of Feminist Studies also consists of members of Academics for Justice in Palestine (AJP), a collective of UCSB faculty from across multiple departments, including Palestinian faculty at UCSB, that was formed in solidarity with student efforts.  On November 1 2023, Feminist Studies posted a statement opposing militarization, settler-colonial occupations, and ongoing ethnic genocides around the world and endorsing the op-ed “Who Is a Civilian: The War on Palestine” written by UCSB faculty Walid Adel Afifi, Tamara Afifi, Ralph Armbruster, Felice Blake, Julie Carlson, Charmaine Chua, Bishnupriya Ghosh, Lisa Hajjar, Lisa Park, David Pellow, Laila Shereen Sakr, Sherene Seikaly, Jennifer Tyburczy, Elisabeth Weber.  In the weeks following October 7th, AJP organized multiple teach-ins on the history of Zionism, anti-Semitism, partition and occupation around the world, and the ongoing Nakba, held in packed classrooms on Friday evenings.  On December 8th, 2023, AJP organized a historic public event at IV Theater, Can We Talk About Palestine, at which UCSB faculty members  David Pellow, Bishnu Ghosh, Lisa Sun-Hee Park, Sherene Seikaly, Lisa Hajjar, Jane Ward, and Laila Shereen Sakr spoke about Palestinian liberation through the lenses of environmental and climate justice, speech, life, borders and walls, law, queer liberation, and revolution.

We stand with members of the Feminist Studies Department who have spoken out against Israel’s violence at great personal risk. Following the Hamas attack on October 7th that killed 748 Israeli civilians and the subsequent genocidal response by Israel that has killed over 30,000 Palestinians, UCSB Feminist Studies graduate students joined with other gender and ethnic studies students to pen the UC Statement of Solidarity, contextualizing Israel’s current efforts to destroy and settle Gaza within its 75 year history of violent occupation of Palestine.  Our students were doxxed and harassed, joining several of us in Feminist Studies who have long been subject to doxxing, profiling on “watch lists,” death threats, and news coverage by far-right media intended to incite violence against us as retaliation for our scholarship and speech.  Recognizing the precarity of students, staff, and faculty who dare to speak publicly about Palestine, AJP developed a Responding to Harassment Guide with a comprehensive set of resources for targeted individuals and groups.

Because we recognize that attacks on the academic freedom and safety of one of us is an attack on all of us, the faculty in the Department of Feminist Studies stand in unwavering solidarity and love with our Palestinian colleagues, staff, and students, our colleagues in Sociology who have been repeatedly targeted by Zionists, our colleagues in AJP who have long been featured on Zionist watch lists, our colleagues in Black Studies at UCSB who have received right-wing backlash for standing against the UC silence on the genocide, our colleagues around the world who have been surveilled and punished for speaking up for Palestine, and our colleagues in Gaza who have lost their universities and their lives in what is not only a genocide, but an epistemicide intended to annihilate Palestinian history and thought. 

We stand unequivocally against antisemitism, by which we mean discrimination, stereotypes, and violence directed at Jews because they are Jewish. We stand against efforts to blame Jewish people for the actions of Israel’s government.  At the same time, we follow anti-Zionist Jewish leadership by refusing to conflate critiques of the Israeli government with antisemitism. We stand against antisemitism at the same time that we oppose the political ideology of Zionism that grants rights and freedoms to Jews that are not extended to Palestinians. 

In late February 2024, UCSB shut down the campus Multicultural Center following conflicts between students attending the 10th Annual Social Justice Conference and Zionist students attempting to equate critiques of Zionism with anti-Semitism. UCSB students of color watched as the university administration locked and re-keyed the MCC (a history of the MCC and its purpose, written by AJP members Diane Fujino, Elizabeth Robinson, Felice Blake, and Walid Afifi can be read here).  Palestinian students and others attending the social justice conference were doxxed by far-right conspiracy outlets like Israel War Room, a terrifying experience that has gone unrecognized by UCSB’s Chancellor.

The Feminist Studies Department also stands in solidarity with the Black Studies Department, which has joined these efforts by issuing a bold and mobilizing call for the administration to reopen the MCC and end its attacks on academic freedom.  In March 2024, the Department of Black Studies called for a UCSB Day of Interruption and held a historic teach-in that spoke to the longstanding connections between Black liberation and Palestinian liberation movements around the globe.  We stand, too, with the Chicano Studies Department, which has issued a statement pointing out that UCSB administration should be alarmed “that undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty across UCSB do not consider themselves secure on campus because of their solidarity with the people of Palestine, who are currently undergoing violence, displacement, and starvation by the government of Israel. It is a reminder that the struggle continues.” 

Activist and scholar Rama Salla Dieng, writing on the connections between the Rwandan genocide and the genocide in Palestine, reminds us that: “the current militarised genocide is a political issue, is a feminist issue, is a reproductive justice issue, is an economic issue, is an environmental justice issue, is an agrarian justice issue, is an ethical issue, is a sovereignty issue.” In Feminist Studies, we demand recognition of the ways that genocide has always been a gendered form of atrocity, one that uses sexual violence, attacks on systems of care and social reproduction, and violence directed specifically at mothers and children to destroy human love and connection at its origin. 

Finally, the Department of Feminist Studies stands together in grief. Every week, AJP reads the work of Palestinian poets and their comrades, most of them women poets, in front of the UCSB Library.  We close with the words of the late bisexual Black feminist poet June Jordan, in her 1982 poem about the massacre of Palestinian refugees, “Moving Towards Home,” which was read by Professor Felice Blake on February 28, 2024.

Moving towards Home

June Jordan 

“Where is Abu Fadi,” she wailed.
“Who will bring me my loved one?”
  The New York Times, 9/20/82

I do not wish to speak about the bulldozer and the
red dirt
not quite covering all of the arms and legs
Nor do I wish to speak about the nightlong screams
that reached
the observation posts where soldiers lounged about
Nor do I wish to speak about the woman who shoved her baby
into the stranger’s hands before she was led away
Nor do I wish to speak about the father whose sons
were shot
through the head while they slit his own throat before
the eyes
of his wife
Nor do I wish to speak about the army that lit continuous
flares into the darkness so that others could see
the backs of their victims lined against the wall
Nor do I wish to speak about the piled up bodies and
the stench
that will not float
Nor do I wish to speak about the nurse again and
again raped
before they murdered her on the hospital floor
Nor do I wish to speak about the rattling bullets that
did not
halt on that keening trajectory
Nor do I wish to speak about the pounding on the
doors and
the breaking of windows and the hauling of families into
the world of the dead
I do not wish to speak about the bulldozer and the
red dirt
not quite covering all of the arms and legs
because I do not wish to speak about unspeakable events
that must follow from those who dare
“to purify” a people
those who dare
“to exterminate” a people

those who dare
to describe human beings as “beasts with two legs”
those who dare
“to mop up”
“to tighten the noose”
“to step up the military pressure”
“to ring around” civilian streets with tanks
those who dare
to close the universities
to abolish the press
to kill the elected representatives
of the people who refuse to be purified
those are the ones from whom we must redeem
the words of our beginning

because I need to speak about home
I need to speak about living room
where the land is not bullied and beaten into
a tombstone
I need to speak about living room
where the talk will take place in my language
I need to speak about living room
where my children will grow without horror
I need to speak about living room where the men
of my family between the ages of six and sixty-five
are not
marched into a roundup that leads to the grave
I need to talk about living room
where I can sit without grief without wailing aloud
for my loved ones
where I must not ask where is Abu Fadi
because he will be there beside me
I need to talk about living room
because I need to talk about home

I was born a Black woman
and now
I am become a Palestinian
against the relentless laughter of evil
there is less and less living room
and where are my loved ones?

It is time to make our way home.

June Jordan, “Moving Toward Home,” in Living Room: New Poems by June Jordan (New York: Thunder's  Mouth Press, 1993) and reprinted in Directed by Desire: The Collected Poems of June Jordan (Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2007)

March 8, 2024 - 10:31am






The Department of Feminist Studies mourns the escalation of violence and war in Israel and

Palestine. As an inter-disciplinary community of scholars, we remain committed to liberation
and justice for all who are caught in a state of precarity in all occupied regions of the world.
Many of our faculty and students are engaged in research about militarization, settler-colonial
occupations, and ongoing ethnic genocides in diverse regions of the world. Our research and
teaching highlights how borders, geopolitical conflicts, and occupations engender sexualized
and racialized violence. The Department of Feminist Studies stands by Academics for Justice in
Palestine at UCSB in denouncing violence and death in Israel and Palestine, as well as many other
occupied territories in the world.


Who Is a Civilian? 

The War on Palestine 

By Academics for Justice in Palestine, UC Santa Barbara 
The Santa Barbara Independent, Tue Oct 17, 2023 | 5:00pm

Academics for Justice in Palestine, UC Santa Barbara, is Walid Adel Afifi, Tamara Afifi, Ralph Armbruster, Felice Blake, Julie Carlson, Charmaine Chua, Bishnupriya Ghosh, Lisa Hajjar, Lisa Park, David Pellow, Laila Shereen Sakr, Sherene Seikaly, Jennifer Tyburczy, Elisabeth Weber

We write in grief as the full force of the world’s fifth-strongest army rains bombs down on the people of Palestine, that part of Palestine known to the world today as the Gaza Strip. We grieve as we witness unequivocal military, political, and diplomatic support of Western governments for an Israeli aggression unprecedented since 1948. We write in grief today, October 17, as the latest Israel air assault has targeted the Al-Ahli Arabi Baptist Hospital in Gaza City. Thousands of civilians were seeking treatment and shelter from relentless bombardment; the assault has killed at least 500 people, including patients and medical staff. Today, too, Israel struck a United Nations school housing refugees.


Palestinian artist Heba Zagout was killed with her two young children in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza on Friday October 13.

We write in grief for the Palestinian and Israeli people who have lost loved ones to the ravages of military conflict. We were filled with dread witnessing Hamas’s gruesome operation on October 7. That operation and its aftermath has killed 1,300 Israelis and injured another 3,621, with a further estimated 199 or more Israeli hostages — both soldiers and civilians — and some foreign nationals taken by Hamas. There is no justification for the targeting of civilians in any context. We write in grief for all civilian life.

We witnessed message after message from universities and corporations that populated our inboxes and screens expressing empathy, outrage, and unconditional support for the state of Israel and its people. We witnessed as two battlefields merged in front of us: one, on the ground, where the besieged and enclosed people in the Gaza Strip face relentless and indiscriminate bombardment; and another, in language, where powerful public discourse coalesces around speaking of Palestinian people as “human animals.” U.S. politicians have called for the “eradication” of Palestinians and to “level” the Gaza Strip. The rising rhetoric of “barbarism” and “terrorism” speeded the message that Israeli and U.S. generals and politicians alike relayed: There are no innocent civilians in Gaza. Indeed, Gaza itself became the subject inflicting “atrocity,” severed from a people, unattached to a cause, floating somehow by itself outside of history.

But Gaza is not an island. And history did not begin on October 7. The Gaza Strip and the people living in it are Palestinian. They are part of a peoplehood. Seventy percent of the people in the Gaza Strip are refugees and their descendants. They are not refugees from another world. They are refugees from various parts and times of Palestine and Palestinian history. They carry the long legacy of the denial of their peoplehood, a denial that began in 1917, when British colonialism committed to envisioning a future for the land of Palestine, but without the people who lived on it. Since the Balfour Declaration and the British mandate that it established, Palestinian Muslims and Christians have been denied political rights in their homeland. Palestinian Muslims and Christians have been defined as “non-Jews.”

In 1948, the Zionist movement established the state of Israel on the lands of the Palestinian people. That year, 750,000 Palestinians became stateless refugees and 150,000 became internally displaced in the new state of Israel. British colonial partition of territories exacted a heavy price in Palestine, as in India, South Africa, and Ireland.

After the 1967 war with Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, Israeli forces occupied East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. More than 300,000 additional Palestinians became refugees. From 1967 to the present, Israel has overseen a military occupation of Palestinian land and life.

For the last 75 years, Palestinians have suffered under the violence of enclosure, dispossession, and fragmentation. They have been subject to denial of self-determination as individuals and as a people. Since the ostensible peace process that began in 1993, Israeli settlers in territories occupied in 1967 have increased exponentially. From 1967 to the present, there are more than 600,000 settlers in the West Bank. These settlements, alongside an elaborate system of bypass roads, checkpoints, and a wall, have split the West Bank into isolated cantons.

Gaza has been described as the world’s largest open-air prison. But brick-and-mortar prisons have defined Palestinian life since the occupation began. At least 800,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned, some charged and prosecuted in military courts and others held without trial as administrative detainees.

Palestinian civil society organizations have, since 2005, called for civil disobedience and non-violent struggle through divestment. This call opposes the Israeli regime of rule that renders Palestinians in Israel second-class citizens, and Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem as colonized subjects, denied the basic, inalienable rights of self-determination, movement, expression, and assembly, as well as access to education, health, and economic well-being. Palestinians have named this regime apartheid.

The campaign’s demands are: full equality for Palestinians citizens in Israel; an end to the occupation and colonization of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem; and the implementation of the right of return of Palestinian refugees according to UN Resolution 194. In January 2021, the Israeli organization B’Tselemestablished that there is no separation between the Israeli state and its military occupation: The two constitute a single apartheid regime. In April 2021, Human Rights Watch also issued a report defining Israeli rule as apartheid. In 2022, Amnesty International released a report detailing Israel’s system of domination of the Palestinians as apartheid.

Today and in the aftermath of October 7, we witness the unleashing of the Israeli army on a land that is 141 square miles, home to 2.1 million people, of whom 50 percent are under the age of 18. Today, we ask, who counts as a civilian? Close to 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are registered refugees. Today they face a second forcible removal from their homes, in what risks becoming a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

Since October 15, the Israeli bombardment of Palestinians in Gaza has resulted in 2,670 Palestinians killed, 9,600 more injured, and the displacement of at least 600,000 Palestinians. Israeli bombardment has struck at least 185 educational facilities, including 20 United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools and 165 Palestinian Authority schools, one of which was destroyed. The Islamic University of Gaza was attacked by Israeli airstrikes. The totality of Israel’s control over Gaza is evident in the state’s ability to turn off all water and electricity and prevent food from getting in. The hospitals are fast becoming morgues. Massive and ongoing death, displacement, and destruction are manifestations of the genocidal rhetoric of politicians and the media as unfolding realities on the ground.

Palestinian liberation is a crucial step in ending conflict, bloodshed, and the logic of racialization and apartheid. Critiquing this logic that dehumanizes and exposes Palestinians to potential annihilation is a moral responsibility for all of us. Whether by drawing an analogy to the South African experience of apartheid or to the Native American experience of dispossession in North America, the time is now to place Palestine in a broader historical struggle for social justice. We have learned from liberation struggles and traditions: No one is free until we are all free.