Sexual and reproductive politics; health advocacy movements; feminist analysis of public health, medicine and science; qualitative research methods
1998 Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
(Anthropology & Population Dynamics)
1994 M.A. Johns Hopkins University
1988 B.A. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Anthropology and Women’s Studies)
1988 Certificate in Women’s Studies (Women’s Studies Program in Europe,
administered through Antioch University, Ohio)
Books: The Salley Gardens: Women, Sex, and Motherhood in Ireland, with Jo Murphy-Lawless, Peter Lang Publishers, Reimagining Ireland series, 2022 Giving Up Baby: Safe Haven Laws, Motherhood, and Reproductive Justice, NYU Press, 2015 Risk, Culture, and Health Inequality: Shifting Perceptions of Danger and Blame, eds. Barbara Herr Harthorn and Laury Oaks. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003 Smoking and Pregnancy: The Politics of Fetal Protection. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 2001 Select Articles and Book Chapters: "Inclusive Reproductive Knowledges: The Feminist Potential of Advocating the Fertility Awareness Method," work in progress (2022). “Black Box”: Student-Generated Solutions to Improve Sexual Violence Response and Prevention Efforts for Undergraduates on College Campuses,” Brittnie E. Bloom,+ Eunhee Park,+ Dallas Swendeman, Laury Oaks, Stephanie Sumstine, Claire Amabile, Stoddy Carey, Jennifer Wagman, Violence Against Women (2021). "Employees, Advisees, and Emerging Scholars: A Qualitative Analysis of Graduate Students’ Roles and Experiences of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment on College Campuses.” Brittnie Bloom, Cierra Sorin, Jennifer A. Wagman and Laury Oaks, Sexuality & Culture. Open access,http://https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-021-09841-w"> (2021). “Graduate Students’ Knowledge and Utilization of Campus Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Resources.” Brittnie E. Bloom,+ Cierra Raine Sorin,+ Laury Oaks, and Jennifer A. Wagman, Journal of American College Health +shared first authorship (2021). “Assessing Student, Staff and Faculty Perspectives on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence on Three University of California (UC) Campuses: The UC Speaks Up Protocol,” Jennifer Wagman et al. JMIR Research Protocols (2019). “CBPR within Invisible, Geographically-Dispersed Communities: Partnering with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Communities on the California Central Coast,” with Tania Israel, Kristin J. Conover, Alise Cogger, Kristin Conover, and Todd Raymond Avellar. JSACP 11(1):14-32. "Manhood and Meaning in the Marketing of the 'Male Pill.'" In The Second Sex in Reproduction: Men, Sexuality and Masculinity, eds. Marcia C. Inhorn, Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, Helena Goldberg, and Maruska La Cour Mosegaard. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009. “What are Pro-Life Feminists Doing on Campus?” NWSA Journal 2009 21(1): 178-203. “The Gendered Social Politics of Health Issues: Review Essay,” Journal of Women’s History 2008 20(3):188-196. "Genetic Cancer Risk Perceptions & Access to Cancer Information and Services in Santa Barbara." A report to the Cancer Center of Santa Barbara, July 2008. "Catholic Church." In Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, and Policy, eds. Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O'Connor, ABC-CLIO, eds. Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O'Connor, ABC-CLIO, 2004. with Jo Murphy-Lawless, and Clare Brady. 2004. "Understanding how Sexually Active Women Think about Fertility, Sex, and Motherhood." Dublin, CPA. Report No. 6. Available at: www.lenus.ie/handle/10147/305349">https://www.lenus.ie/handle/10147/305349">www.lenus.ie/handle/10147/305349">https://www.lenus.ie/handle/10147/305349 "The Social Politics of Health Risk Warning: Competing Claims about the Link between Abortion and Breast Cancer." In Risk, Culture, and Health Inequality: Shifting Perceptions of Danger and Blame, eds. Barbara Herr Harthorn and Laury Oaks. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.