Graduate Student
Disability/illness/care Studies
Medical Humanities
Queer Theory
South Asian Literary/Cultural Studies
Goan Studies
Caste, Race, Gender Studies
BA (Honors) : Ashoka University, NCR-Delhi, India
English Literature
Post Graduate Diploma (Ashoka Scholars Program) : Ashoka University, NCR-Delhi, India
Advance Research and Writing in English Literature
Thesis: O Desejo da lei (The Law of Desire)
Advisor: Professor Madhavi Menon
Magna Cum Laude
Roshan Roy (any pronouns) is a community educator, musician, and a young writer from Goa, India. After a post-graduate diploma from Ashoka University, they taught a community engagement course at the Goa Institute of Management Called Queering Goa. Currently, apart from working on independent research projects in care studies, art criticism and photography, they are a PhD student in the Feminist Studies department at UCSB.
They are interested in undertaking an interdisciplinary project to archive the lived experiences of marginalized bodies, exploring how histories of colonialism, pathologization and other social inequalities are embodied and experienced at the intersection of gender, sexuality, race and caste which shape bodies in our cultures.
"When the Nag Kesar Petals Hold." In Singh, K.D (Ed.), Unheard Voices: Stories of People Living with Mental Health Issues. Mumbai, India: The Mariwala Health Initiative, 2024
"Baptized in Music: Towards a Disruption of Systematic Theology." Proseterity, Issue 03: On Faith, Mumbai, May 2023, Print
"Lost and Found: A Tale of Goenchi Feni." Alma Magazine, September 2021. Online
"Precarity as Postcolonial Anxiety," Conference Presentation, Feminist Pedagogy of/Beyond Borders, AtGender, Istanbul, 2023
"Feeling Work," Conference Presentation, International Conference on Critical Management Studies, Nottingham Trent University, 2023
"Decolonizing Names and Naming," Conference Presentation, Feminist Matterings: Indigenous and Arctic Engagements, University of Oulu, Finland, 2022